Wednesday, May 2

So, I'm bored today, but I don't feel like writing so instead....

Ha ha, FUN QUIZ DAY!! ;)

You Are a Mac

You are creative, stylish, and super trendy.
You demand the best - even if it costs an arm and a leg.

You Are Cranberry Red

Peaceful and philosophical, you are almost always at harmony with the world.
You're not very social, but you always enjoy a deep, complex conversation with a friend.
It's possible that you've been disappointed a lot in your life, but you've gotten over those disappointments quickly.
For you, each day is new and glorious. You wake up refreshed and happy, even when things aren't going your way.

You Belong in the UK

A little proper, a little saucy.
You're so witty and charming...
No one notices your curry breath

You Are 12% Republican

If you have anything in common with the Republican party, it's by sheer chance.
You're a staunch liberal, and nothing is going to change that!

You Are 56% Democrat

You aren't a full fledged Democrat yet, but it's likely the party that fits you best.
You probably consider yourself an independent Democrat. You usually support the party, but you also think for yourself!

People Envy Your Compassion

You have a kind heart and an unusual empathy for all living creatures. You tend to absorb others' happiness and pain.
People envy your compassion, and more importantly, the connections it helps you build. And compassionate as you are, you feel for them.

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